Melting Pot Manufacturer,Supplier and Exporter in India

Melting Pot

Product Code : EL-CTLE-10917
Engineering Labs Equipment is a leading Melting Pot Manufacturer,and suppliers in India,

Melting Pot is used for melt Capping compound.
This pot comprises a metal container in a well lagged steel jacket thermostatic control and stand by heat switch are fitted. 
Supplied complete with lift off cover.

Dimensions (H x W): Internal 140 x 150 mm And External 250 x 165mm
Capacity: Pot capacity is 2.4 litres
Capping Pot Compound: We use for capping the ends of concrete cylinders to be tested and also available 5 kg packs.
Rated Power: Melting rated power up to 750 W
Temperature: Melting pot temperature 40 to 340° C
Melting Pot Warmer: Supplied with cover and handle an electrically heated and thermostatically controlled bath for melting the capping compound. 
Suitable for operation on Single Phase 230 Volts A.C.

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Supply of Melting Pot from India to Finland, France, Tanzania, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Congo, Costa Rica, Ivory Coast, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominica, Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, United Arab Emirates (UAE, Dubai), United Kingdom (London), United States, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burma Myanmar, East Timor, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia (Addis Ababa), Fiji, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, Colombia. Math Teaching Kit suppliers in Luxembourg, Macedonia, Madagascar, Malawi (Lilongwe), Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur), Maldives, Mali, Malta, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mexico, Micronesia, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Comoros, Congo. Math Teaching Kit manufacturers in Dominican Republic, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Niger, Nigeria (Abuja), Norway, Oman, Palau, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines (Manila), Poland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya (Nairobi), Kiribati, Korea, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latvia, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Mauritius, Nauru, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Rwanda (Kigali). Math Teaching Kit exportets to Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, San Marino, Sao Tome and Principe, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Spain, Sudan, Suriname, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tajikistan, Togo, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Uganda (Kampala), Ukraine, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen , Zambia (Lusaka), Zimbabwe

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BANGALORE 560025 Karnataka

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