Single Cylinder Four Stroke Petrol Engine Test Bench Manufacturer,Supplier and Exporter in India

Single Cylinder Four Stroke Petrol Engine Test Bench

Product Code : EL-TELE-10703
Engineering Labs Equipment is a leading Single Cylinder Four Stroke Petrol Engine Test Bench Manufacturer,and suppliers in India,

The engine used here is an air-cooled single-cylinder four-stroke petrol engine with external carburation. 
The engine is started and slowed down by an electric motor mounted in the unit. 
It includes a sensor to measure the exhaust gas temperature and a connection to measure the intake pressure. 
Both sensors, ignition cut-off and fuel supply are connected to the test stand.
A flywheel fan affects the air-cooling. 
The brake unit is connected by way of a elastic claw coupling.
The engine is prepared for measurement of the cylinder pressure for indication. 
The full load and partial load characteristic curves of the engine are plotted in experiments.

Brake Thermal Efficiency
Fuel Consumption Measurement
Air Intake Measurement
Familiarization with a four-stroke petrol engine
Plotting of torque and power curves
Bhp Measurement
Determination of specific fuel consumption
Determination of volumetric efficiency and lambda (fuel-air ratio)
Determination of the frictional power of the engine

Air-cooled single-cylinder petrol engine
Power output: 7,5kW at 3000min-1
Bore: 89mm
Stroke: 63mm

L x W x H: 1000x 800x 1200mm
Weight (approx.): 120kg

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BANGALORE 560025 Karnataka

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