Concrete Impermeability Test Apparatus Manufacturer,Supplier and Exporter in India
Product Code : EL-CTLE-10292
Engineering Labs Equipment is a leading Concrete Impermeability Test Apparatus Manufacturer,and suppliers in India,
This apparatus is used to determine the depth of penetration of water under pressure in the concrete specimens.
The test is performed clamping the specimen – cubic, cylindrical or prismatic of length of edge, or diameter not less than 150 mm – between two flanges with special circular gaskets.
The permeability is determined on cement, mortar and concrete specimens, either cast in the laboratory or obtained by cutting out cores from existing structures.
The design of concrete mix aims at maximum durability for the conditions prevailing at the site where it is to be used.
Ability to resist the flow of water through, is one of the important durability characteristics.
Standards: IS:3085, TS EN 12390-8 | EN 12364 | DIN 1048 | ISO 7031
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