Briquette Tensile Strength Tester Electrically Operated Manufacturer,Supplier and Exporter in India
Product Code : EL-CTLE-10908
Engineering Labs Equipment is a leading Briquette Tensile Strength Tester Electrically Operated Manufacturer,and suppliers in India,
Briquette Tensile Strength Tester Machine makes use of an accurate, friction free double lever system, and the load get applied through two pillar hydraulic load frame with load gauge fitted on front of load frame for observation of load.
Tensile strength tester machine gangfor judging the strength and stability of Briquette cement specimens of diversity.
Our machine has been developed as per the international standards BS 12.
Tensile Strength Tester Machine is used to perform test for determining as to how materials would behave under tension load.
The capacity of the unit is 900kgs and the machine is switched on after the Briquette is fixed in the jaws.
Suited for operation on 230 V, single phase, 50 cycle and A.C. Supply, the instrument can be availed with one base plate, one brass briquette mould.
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